
Home Made Apple Turnovers!!

2 granny smith apples
2 8 oz cans of crescent rolls
1 cup of butter melted
1 1/2 cups of sugar (or splenda)
1 tsp of vanilla
1 - 12 oz can of mountain dew

Peel and core apples, cut apples into 8 slices each. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll. Place in a 9 x13 buttered pan. Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanila, stir and pour over apples. Pour mountain dew around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream and this dish will make for an amazing desert!  Enjoy!


Sugar Free Cheesecake!!

1 pkg of 1/2 less fat cream cheese
1 cup of splenda
1 tub of light whipped cream
1 sugar free pie crust

Mix the cream cheese, splenda, and whipped cream together. Pour into the already made pie crust. Refridgerate for at least 8 hours before serving. If you want a topping, you could dice strawberries and candy them with splenda. Slice, top and enjoy!!!

Strawberry Filo Delights! ...recipe courtesy of Me!

1 pkg of cream cheese
1/2 cup of splenda
1 pkg of strawberry jello
1 tub of whipped cream
4 boxes of filo cups- 15 cups per box

Mix the whipped cream and 3/4 of the jello mix together. Add the splenda and cream cheese. Mix well until clumps are gone from cream cheese. Boil about 2 tblsp of water and add 1/2 of the remaining jello mix into the boiling water. Once mixture is done take off of burner to cool. Once cooled, slowly pour as much of the jello into the mixture as needed to loosen it up. You don't want it running so don't pour it all in.

Once mixed well and loose enough to put into cups. Open the boxes and start filling the cups. You can dress it up by adding chopped bits of real strawberries. Or if you don't want the mess you can always just slice the strawberries up and put in on the cup.

Hope you enjoy!

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