Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crafts are taking over my life!!!

I have found a new love!! CRAFTING! I could just sit in my room and craft all day long! It's so relaxing! I love being able to see what I can make with my hands! Things the I normally would buy somewhere, I try to make! It's so fun!

Please not to mention all the little trinkets I get to buy and play with in order to make all these fun crafts! I've been making the picture boards that I've already posted on my crafts page. Now I've started to make fabric name boards (I'll have to get those uploaded so you can see them)! A friend of mine just had a baby and is making the theme Dr. Suess, so one of the boards is theme'd for the baby. The other is for her. Her last name starts with an "E" and there are 4 of them...that'll explain the'll know what I mean when you see it!!!

Now my little niece that just turned 4 asked me to make her some "pwetty pink bows"! How can you say no to that?! So now I've been doing some shopping trying to find flowers and handbands and clips and all sorts of fun and "pwetty" stuff to make her some handbands, bows and clips! I'm kind of excited!

Loving this new chapter in my lift where I'm turning into an older lady who wants to sit and craft all day! I'm 27! What are other 27 year olds doing right now??? PARTYING! I have no desire, just give me a glue gun and some fabric and I'm good to go!

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