Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Springtime fun!

Well, I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've been a busy girl! It's spring time (almost) so that means I've got work to do!

Every year my husband and I plant a garden! We love to grow corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. This year, I'm going to try lettuce, carrots, and potato's as well! I'm super excited! Every night that it's been pretty when we get home from work, we've been working in the field and the garden. One night we burnt off the field, the next night we tilled the garden. Then you always have a few nights of nasty weather, or you have to factor in the days/nights we have church. So it's a long process getting all this stuff done!

Well, tonight we finally got a row of potato's planted! I'm soooooo excited to see them grow! I got Noah some of his own garden tools and gloves! He loves them! We played in the dirt, we ran around in the yard, he chased me in his truck! It was a great night! I am looking forward to more of these great nights in the future and  can't wait to see my little guy grow!

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