Wednesday, July 4, 2012


When I was 17, I was in a very bad car accident. While I was in the hospital, my mom wrote a little poem, and I felt like sharing that while you today! So here it goes:

No matter how many diapers I've changed,
No matter how many floors I've walked,
No matter how many spankings I've given,
No matter how many rules and guidelines I lay out,
No matter how many windows I watch out of,
No matter how many minutes I count,
No matter how many appointments I keep,
No matter how many activities I attend,
No matter how much I rant and rave,
No matter how much I worry,
My child still rests entirely in the hands of God, and what a better place to be?

That little poem means so much to me. I know that it is just as true today as it was 10 years ago.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Family Time

I've noticed lately how we as parents get ourselves and children into a slumpy routine. We come home from work, eat dinner, then go our seperate ways for the night.

Tonight I decided we were going to do something different. Something we would stick to and do every night from now on. I discussed with my husband and he agreed, we needed a change. I'll start by explaining our current routine.

We get home at about 5:45 every week night. When we get home, I start cooking dinner, Gabe does whatever yard work needs to be done, and Noah goes to his room and starts watching movies. When dinner is ready I make the plates, take Noah's to him in his room and Gabe and I sit in the living room and watch TV while eating. Then when we are done eating I either go to my craft room or get on the computer, Gabe continues to watch TV and Noah continues to watch his movies. Then when it's time, we go to bed.

Horrible right??? So tonight we started our new routine. When we got home, I sat Noah down to explain to him what we were going to do. He loves watching TV and eating in his room, so I was afraid he'd really have a hard time with this.

I told him," Bubby, tonight we are going to clean up the house a little bit and put our toys, and clothes away, then mommy is going to make dinner so we can eat at the table and visit. While mommy is cooking we can play games and read books, or play with puzzles, we can do whatever you wanted to do. Then at 8pm we can watch TV. How does that sound?" After explaining this rather lengthy scenario to a 3 yr old, I was afraid it wouldn't soak in...however this is his response " Yeah mommy! Lets put my toys away in my room then we can play with puzzles!!" He was so excited and I couldn't have been more happy!

He was such a good boy! He look his shoes and toys that were in the living room and took them to his bedroom and put them away! I loaded up the dishwasher and the washing machine. Then while the oven was preheating, I went into Noah's room and asked him what he wanted to play. His choice was cars! So we got on the floor and crawled around in his room pushing cars. Then we started playing basketball. Daddy came in there at that time and started playing too. So I went in and finished up dinner and folded and put away the clothes. When they were done playing basketball they came into the living room and put together some puzzles on the floor. Then we ate dinner at the table. By the time we were done eating, it was 8pm! Guess what...time to watch TV!

It was a great night and I was so happy that it went so well. I think that we as parents loose sight of what is REALLY important to our children. That's our love and attention. As my mother n law always says, Time is the most precious gift you can give, and once you lose it, you can never get it back. So spend less time watching TV, or reading or playing on the computer, and spend more w/ your children. Teach them something new, read them a book, crawl around on the floor pushing cars! Those are the things they will always remember!

Friday, June 22, 2012


My husband and I have planted a garden for the 5th year'd think we'd be getting better at year as the years go by, but it still seems to be hard! We are so busy working and by the time we get home and eat dinner it's hard to keep a good garden! I just have to pray, Lord please help this garden to be bountiful!

Tonight I picked 7 tomatoes and 2 cups of blackberries! I'm up to about 7 cups of blackberries and I think we've picked about 15 tomatoes now. We've ate 4 of them so far and boy are they amazing! I just love eating fresh, home grown tomatoes!

Now I'm just waiting for my potatoes, squash and cucumbers! I love them all!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crafts are taking over my life!!!

I have found a new love!! CRAFTING! I could just sit in my room and craft all day long! It's so relaxing! I love being able to see what I can make with my hands! Things the I normally would buy somewhere, I try to make! It's so fun!

Please not to mention all the little trinkets I get to buy and play with in order to make all these fun crafts! I've been making the picture boards that I've already posted on my crafts page. Now I've started to make fabric name boards (I'll have to get those uploaded so you can see them)! A friend of mine just had a baby and is making the theme Dr. Suess, so one of the boards is theme'd for the baby. The other is for her. Her last name starts with an "E" and there are 4 of them...that'll explain the'll know what I mean when you see it!!!

Now my little niece that just turned 4 asked me to make her some "pwetty pink bows"! How can you say no to that?! So now I've been doing some shopping trying to find flowers and handbands and clips and all sorts of fun and "pwetty" stuff to make her some handbands, bows and clips! I'm kind of excited!

Loving this new chapter in my lift where I'm turning into an older lady who wants to sit and craft all day! I'm 27! What are other 27 year olds doing right now??? PARTYING! I have no desire, just give me a glue gun and some fabric and I'm good to go!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


I am so sorry!!! I've not blogged in forever! There is so much going on and so much to say! However I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear all the details!

For the past 2 weeks I've been doing my early spring cleaning! It's taken me 2 whole weeks (of course it's not everyday! and only between getting home from work and bed time)..we had the church people over for a Cookout so I need to get some deep cleaning done. Now I'm so proud of my work! I feel great about how nice my house looks!

Noah has also been moved from his room that he inherited when he was born :( to the spare bedroom. It's a bit bigger and it also has the bunkbeds in it. The bottom is a full sized bed, and the top of course it twin. He sleeps in it better than he ever did in his toddler bed! It's so cute! I've got it all decorated up in a sports theme! I know he'll grow out of Mario Cart, Lightening McQueen, I made it a sports theme, as I know that will continue w/ him as he grows! I haven't posted a picture yet as I still have finishing touches left to put on it. Such as wall decorations! I'm so excited because I've gotten a few crafting ideas for his room off pinterest, as well as a few decorations that were his daddy's when he was a little boy! How cute is that!?

I have made 2 new picture boards. As soon as I can get the chance, I will upload them to my "Arts & Crafts" page so you can see them! I'm so proud of them! These are for a girl I work with that is having twins! A boy and a girl! She is not doing any certain, theme in the nursery, she's do a fabric! I found out which fabric, and that's what I used for the boards! I made one for the girl and made it a little girly by focusing more on the peachy pink color on the fabric. For the boy, of course I focused on the tealish blue color. She was so excited to have these matching her decor already made for the room! I was very pleased!

All is well with this Martin crew. We have started the long and slow process of Potty training Noah. He gets 1 penny for going Peepee, and 2 pennies for going Poopoo. He does well with money. Why, well, that's another story!! He's not to the point where he's going every time, but he does go a lot more than he used to! Maybe 2 times a day, it's easier to get him to go pee than poo! That's for sure! But like I said, it's a slow process!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Springtime fun!

Well, I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've been a busy girl! It's spring time (almost) so that means I've got work to do!

Every year my husband and I plant a garden! We love to grow corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. This year, I'm going to try lettuce, carrots, and potato's as well! I'm super excited! Every night that it's been pretty when we get home from work, we've been working in the field and the garden. One night we burnt off the field, the next night we tilled the garden. Then you always have a few nights of nasty weather, or you have to factor in the days/nights we have church. So it's a long process getting all this stuff done!

Well, tonight we finally got a row of potato's planted! I'm soooooo excited to see them grow! I got Noah some of his own garden tools and gloves! He loves them! We played in the dirt, we ran around in the yard, he chased me in his truck! It was a great night! I am looking forward to more of these great nights in the future and  can't wait to see my little guy grow!

Friday, March 2, 2012


I have been trying to work on another arts and crafts project for a gal that is having twins. I'm using the exact same pattern she's using as the theme in the room for the kiddos.

I have gone to store after store trying to match up ribbons to the main colors that she's pulling from for the boy and the girl. The boy was easy and his is almost finished. However, just like a typical girl, hers is hard to complete! I'm having the hardest time finding just the right color of ribbon to match up as well as the little buttons/pins for accents! It's so frustrating! However, I try not to get too upset, because I know that when I finally get this project finished, I know momma will like it and I myself will finally be satisfied and done with it!!!