Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catch up

So many things happen through our lives all too often speed  our lives up and we can't catch our breaths! That has been the way my life has been going this past weekend.

So many people I know are having babies, one person is getting married and we are planning our vacation, not to mention getting ready for this summer which includes landscaping the house (finally after 6 years!), planting another garden, and getting a new weed eater.

Thursday even I spent about 2 1/2 hours making pictures boards for my mother in law and my sister in law (which I have posted on my arts and crafts page). Neither of them expected to get one, so it was nice to see their faces when I gave it to them! Friday night after work, we went to my parents house and visited until about midnight! Saturday I spent the day shopping for a wedding gift, a baby shower gift, some material to make another baby shower gift and I also had to find patterns and material for my sister to make me new dresses for this summer! Needless to say,  I was pretty wore out by the end of the day!

Today I am trying to clean up and arrange the spare bedroom, it's a little bigger than Noah's current room, so I'm planning on moving him into it this summer and redecorating it for's so exciting and sad at the same time how big he is getting! I can't believe that almost three years ago I gave birth to the most amazing child I could ever ask for!

Needless to say, I'm ready for some much needed R &R! But, why rest when you can get more done staying awake...right??

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