Friday, February 10, 2012

Life's lessons

As you go through life, you learn lessons. Lessons in which you are to learn you see the world go by and are faced with so many different people, you wonder "Am I the only only that learns from my mistakes/lessons?"

It's scary to bring children in to the world, because you see day by day how the world is dwindling to nothing. How people get by and handle their lives without the Lord is beyond me. If I didn't have the Lord to call on every time I was scared, upset, sad, or was just lonely, well I just wouldn't know what to do! I just don't know how people make it!

I'm reminded of a song, " Jesus, sweet Jesus, what a wonder you are. You're brighter than, the morning star. You're fairer than the lillies that grow by the way. You're sweeter, much sweeter by far."

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