Friday, February 24, 2012

Lazy Days

Some days you get up and just feel like doing absolutely nothing!!! Well, I've felt like that all day, but I had to work. Not sure if it was because Gabe had the day of or if I just felt like being lazy.

Tomorrow Gabe has to work, so Noah and I are going to sleep in. Then we are going to get up and make chocolate chip cookies and surprise Gabe at work with them!! I'm so excited! He's going to love them!

Then Noah and I are going to come back home and have some more fun driving his "big black truck" around the yard again. He's been talking about it since last weekend when he drove it during the nice weather! We get home so late in the evening that there isn't enough daylight left after we eat dinner for him to drive it. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before the longer days arrive and we'll be able to spend some time outside during the weekdays!

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