Sunday, February 19, 2012

Finally we are able to go outside and enjoy the weather! After Noah woke up from his nap, he just HAD to have some "icecweam and spwenko's". So he got his ice cream and sprinkles! Afterwards he wanted to watch a movie, but I told him how nice it was outside and thought it would be super fun to drive the truck in the yard! He quickly agreed, so that's what we did!

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He had a great time! He finally figured out that you can get farther, faster, if you keep your foot on the gas instead of stop go, stop go!! He then finally started to understand a little more about how you need to turn the wheel to go different directions. This is the first time he's drove it in about 7 months or so and he never really drove it very much last year...I'd say he'll be a pro racin speed boy by the end of this summer!

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