Monday, February 13, 2012

Handy work!

I've never really been big on doing things crafty. I never felt like I could do it. The most I ever accomplished was make scarfs by crochetting them. It's just been within the past few years that I've really started liking to find things that I could make. At work I decided I wanted to change the "theme" in my cubical and I wanted to find a black and green colored picture board ( for example, the items on my arts and crafts tab!!)

My sisters and mom and I were shopping for our yearly birthday shopping party and I was trying to find ones that I liked. I couldn't find anything that I liked at all! So my oldest sister said "Why don't you just make one?" Duh! Why don't I just make one...but how? So I started looking around for things I could use to make one...then finally I did! I loved doing it and my family liked mine. so I made all 3 of my sisters and my mom one for Christmas this past year!

Now I am in the process of making one for my sister n law and one for my mother n law. I'm able to now think of different and possibly better ways to make them. Either way, I'm really enjoying myself and can't wait to find different ideas to make them more personable for people! So much to do! But, I love doing it!

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